Photo courtesy of Sacred Heart parishioners. Click to enlarge.
Photo courtesy of Sacred Heart parishioners. Click to enlarge.


The dedication occurred on October 7, 1906...The Right Rev. Bishop Grace assisted by some of the leading priests of the state solemnly lead the dedication. The solemn High Mass began at 11 o'clock. Bishop Grace was assisted by Rev. P.F. Carr of Dunsmuir, Rev. J. J. Haynes of Smartsville; Rev. Thomas Nungent, Redding; Rev. Gualco of Chico; Rev. H.H. Wyman of San Francisco; and Rev. P.D. Bray as Episcopal Deacon of Honor...


After the service festivities were held in the church basement. Tables were set for 125 persons. The hall was artistically decorated with greens and flowers, pepper boughs, smilax, and ivy. The members of the Altar society, who were indefatigable in their work of embellishing the church, served an elaborate luncheon.


from History of Sacred Heart Community, 1853 to 2006, Maurice L. Ness and Anne K. Palmer-Martin (2006)

February 21, 2004:  Father Michael Hebda, [then] pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, cleans one of the angels during restoration of the church interior. The colorful detail of a small angel (top photo) is in the left-hand corner of Luigi Brusatori’s depiction of the Sacred Heart.
Christine Vovakes/Herald photo


> Link to the February 2004 Herald report of the centennial restoration work on Sacred Heart Catholic Church. 

Cover image from the book
Cover image from the book

In 2006 Maurice L. Ness and Anne K. Palmer-Martin authored History of Sacred Heart Community: 1853 to 2006.  Copies of the 150-page book are available throughout the Sacred Heart Parish Community, at and at


"The book was a labor of love for Maurice and Anne.  Both authors have a long family history with Sacred Heart Parish.  An amazing amount of research and time went into the compilation of this book....Pains were taken to substantiate and corroborate all information."


It remains the definitive resource for the history of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.  Various citations from their book will appear (from time to time) on this web page...

Photo: J. Mandolfo
September 26, 2013

"The majestic brick building that sits at the corner of Main and Elm streets is a quickly recognized landmark in the city of Red Bluff.  Sacred Heart Church was completed in 1906 [and celebrated its centennial in 2006].  The building is a testimony to the long history of Catholicism in Tehama County."  -- History of Sacred Heart Community, p. 18


Sacred Heart Church was added to the National Register of Historic Places on Feb. 4, 1982, building #82002278 (NRIS, National Register Information Service).  The National Register is the official Federal list of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture. National Register properties have significance to the history of their community state, or the nation.  


You can access the Church's full register record by clicking below:

(a) text and maps, on the National Register of Historic Places (National Park Service);  (b) 1979 photos that accompany the record.  (Links were updated on March 15, 2020)

Statement of Significance: From the original National Historical Landmark Nomination Form

Source: National Register database, National Park Service
Source: National Register database, National Park Service
Photo from National Register database, National Park Service
Photo from National Register database, National Park Service



I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

March 23
March 23