Please join us for our monthly meeting

Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Red Bluff.


When: Third Saturday of each month

Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Where: Sacred Heart Parish Hall, 2355 Monroe Avenue, Red Bluff


Contact Person: Virginia Hall  (530) 360-0386


Mission:  Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites are called to a deeper spiritual life. 

The Secular Order Carmelite longs to seek God for the Church and for the world,

through prayer and communion with others, with the help of Jesus.


Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites The Secular   Order of Discalced Carmelites will be having their annual Ceremonial Mass to advance several of their members to the next level of formation. Bryeon Earle from Anderson is formally entering formation after one year of preparation; Maggie Wolfer from Redding will be making the Temporary Promise for 3 years; Sandry Van Loan from Redding and Marie Marine from Red Bluff will be making the Definitive Promise for life. Fr. Chuck Kelly will be concelebrating Mass with several other priests. This Mass is open to the public and all parishioners are invited to attend. The dinner afterwards is by invitation only at the Tremont banquet room.



Almost 6 years ago, a woman from Sacred Heart parish in Red Bluff was looking in the Diocesan Directory for a phone number for the Disciples of Jesus and Mary, an association in Redding that was recommended by one of the monks at New Clairveaux Monastery in Vina.  As she ran her finger down the column of associations for the laity, she discovered "Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites" in Auburn and Sacramento.  She was startled to find the groups because she had no idea such a thing existed.  She recalled the book, FIRE WITHIN, that she had read many years before and revisited it numerous times. She felt a powerful desire to be a part of that group but realized the distance of either group was prohibitive to take something on that would become a lifelong commitment.  It would be a 4 hour roundtrip.  She dismissed the thought from her mind, but the desire kept resurfacing throughout the rest of her day.  Finally, she called the number listed in the directory just to find out what it was all about. Needless to say, she became even more enamored with the idea.  So when the Secular Carmelite invited her to come to the monthly meeting two days later, she dared to accept it knowing full well nothing could ever come of it. 

Read more>>

Pope Francis Canonizes St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, OCD on October 16, 2016




Click below to listen to Fr. Mitch Pacwa as he interviews Dr. Anthony Lilles on EWTN LIVE about the canonization and spirituality of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, Carmelite nun in Dijon, France 1880-1906.  This is a fantastic show!  Don't miss it!

Interested in Becoming a Discalced Secular Carmelite?

If you are desirous of attaining union with God and become the saint God has designed you to be even before you were born,


If you are desirous of learning to grow in a more intimate relationship with Jesus through prayer,


If you are desirous of learning how to become a saint according to Gospels as taught by St. Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, and St. Therese of Lisieux, the Doctors of the Church on prayer and the spiritual life,


If you are desirous of Catholic friends who have the same aspirations and will give you support in your own pursuit toward holiness,


If you love Mary, His Mother, to help us on our way,


Then, perhaps you may have a vocation to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites!


Contact Virginia:



Fr. Donald Kinney, OCD is the Provincial Delegate of the Secular Carmelites of the California-Arizona Province.  He lives in Southern California and sends a five minute inspirational talk from time to time on podcast to communicate with all Secular Carmelites in our region.  

"Secular Carmelites, take five!" 

"The Greatness of Your Secular Carmelite Vocation"
    by Fr. Donald Kinney, OCD



As Discalced Carmelites we are a family of men and women, both religious and lay, situated in many countries of the world.  A deep friendship with Jesus Christ is the foundation and inspiration of our lives. Our vocation is truly Marian: like her we are called daily to ponder Jesus in our hearts.  We, the daughters and sons of Saint Teresa of Jesus, strive to live in the presence of God and to serve the Church.


Mental Prayer





Fr. Mark Foley, OCD - Author for SPIRITUAL LIFE/ON LINE gives lessons from the great Carmelite saints that are practical for one's everyday life.

Marc Foley, OCD:  Finding a Place of Refuge During Prayer:


The Practice of St. Thérèse St. Thérèse of Lisieux tells us that it was a great penance for her to recite the rosary privately. The difficulty lay in her inability to focus her mind on what she was praying: “When alone (I am ashamed to admit it) the recitation of the rosary is more difficult for me than the wearing of an instrument of penance…. I force myself in vain to meditate on the mysteries of the rosary; I don’t succeed in fixing my mind on them.”1 Thérèse had a similar problem with the recitation of the Divine Office. Her mind would wander. So what did Thérèse do to keep her mind focused on God while she recited the Office?


Pray with our Saints - Click above:

                                      MARY - OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL


One of the noted characteristics of Carmel's spirituality is the presence of the Virgin Mary in our Life, communion with her, imitation of her virtues and cultivating special devotion to her. We are not dealing with a footnote to our charism, but rather with one of the more intimate and cherished expressions of our tradition. Read more >>

Climbing the Hill of Mt. Carmel

After the Christian overcomes the temptation to commit serious sin, the task moves deeper:  to overcoming vices and growing in virtues.  Sinful acts are rooted in vices, while good actions are rooted in virtues.  Uprooting vice and fostering virtues require conscious and committed effort, and much grace. See what Fr. Robert Barron has to say about this very important topic to help us along the road to sanctity. 

Fr. John Bartunek


If we learn to govern our raw desire for pleasure in accordance with what is truly healthy and in harmony with God’s purpose for our lives, we develop the cardinal virtue of temperance. Temperance takes different forms in relation to the different types of pleasure that we have to deal with (chastity, sobriety, meekness, humility). If we learn to govern the fear that pain and suffering inspire, so that this never impedes us from doing what is right and necessary according to God’s purpose for our lives, we develop the cardinal virtue of 

fortitude or courage, whose sister virtues include patience and perseverance. If we learn to treat all other persons (God as well as our fellow human beings) with the dignity that they deserve, regardless of how we may feel about them or what they may be able to do for or against us, then we grow in the virtue of justice, which also has a slew of sister virtues (e.g., honesty, piety, obedience).

Read more: >>





March 23
March 23