Thursday, May 29, 2014 – Sacramento Diocese Bishop Jaime Soto dedicates Ten Commandments and Beatitudes monument at Sacred Heart Parish Hall.  


Following Thursday’s Mercy High School baccalaureate Mass, Bishop Soto gathered together elementary and high school students, teachers, lay ministers and parishioners from Sacred Heart Red Bluff and Sacred Heart Anderson to bless -- “dedicate to God’s service”-- the newly situated monument engraved with both the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes.  You may view the new outdoor display in front of the Parish Hall (across the parking lot from Sacred Heart Parish School) at 2355 Monroe Street in Red Bluff.

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS MONUMENT was procured through the efforts of the Sacred Heart Red Bluff Knights of Columbus Council #2249.  After arranging terms of its donation and then providing for its transit to Red Bluff, the Knights of Columbus meticulously prepared the monument for public exhibition in September, 2012 inside the entrance of the Sacred Heart Parish Hall.  It remained on display there for 20 months.  The monument is engraved with the Ten Commandments on one side and the Beatitudes on the other.   The high resolution photos below show the monument and the two engraved sides in their original indoor setting.


The May 29, 2014 dedication ceremony occurred immediately following the monument's relocation outdoors.  During the blessing (per the Catholic Cathechism: to "dedicate to God's service") Bishop Soto  commended the efforts of both the Knights of Columbus -- for securing the monument -- and the Sacred Heart Women's Guild, who were responsible for clearing and constructing the new outdoor commemorative site.  (View a gallery of dedication day photos at the bottom of this page.)

Gallery of Photos from the March 28th Parish Hall Event:  Bishop Soto blesses the newly situated Ten Commandments and Beatitudes Monument

February 16
February 16